Sustainability and Cosplay
A lot of us say “cosplay is inherently wasteful” with the same energy as “fuck it we ball” instead of trying to find solutions and ideas to combat this.
We are creative people! If anyone can find creative solutions, it’s us.
There is far more of a complex and nuanced discussion than what I can offer here - but many of our knee jerk reactions to advocating sustainability in cosplay are reinforcing some of the dark undercurrents in environmentalism.
I am not perfect in my sustainability efforts. NO ONE is. A lot of the times, the pressure of being “perfect” causes many to not try AT ALL or speak up about sustainability concerns, ideas, efforts AT ALL.
Let’s open our hands, not point our fingers.
I am a strong advocate of the “do what you can” plan which means that every one of us will be doing something different, but equally IMPACTFUL in the paths toward more sustainability in cosplay.
Being “canon”, trendiness, social media, the shift of con culture and the “new thing”, the buying versus making debate (a lot of the times poorly masked classism by the way), knowledge hoarding, and pressure to produce are just some of the enemies of sustainability that I am NOT the first person to identify or speak on.
I am solution focused and some of the immediate solutions I imagine are:
knowledge/ skill sharing
how did YOU make or cultivate your cosplay? This can not only eliminate waste, but allow for learnings or innovative ideas regarding how to use scraps, pre-owned materials, or utilize creative problem solving techniques to make things happen!
thrifting, second hand, sharing cosplays, or closet cosplays
what can you work with that already exists around you? What cosplays can you invest in that you can wear pieces of in “real life” as well or find ways to incorporate into your own wardrobe rotation? Are there cosplays you don’t wear anymore that you can share with others?
identifying characters you LOVE and investing in them
what characters will you wear A LOT or what pieces can you invest in that you can transform into multiple characters by restyling a wig, switching out some accessories or pieces? Will you wear this to more than one con? Will you create in this often? Resist the urge to pressure yourself and others to pursue “newness” that is timely rather than timeless
celebrating sustainability in other cosplayers: SUPPORT SUSTAINABILITY when you see it. Share it, like it, comment, copy link, compliment at cons - ALL THE THINGS to showcase support for sustainable choices (even if they’re not outright labeled as such). Celebrate closet cosplays! Celebrate knowledge sharing! Celebrate innovative solutions to preowned materials! Celebrate investing in characters! Celebrate reuse!
Most of all, ENCOURAGE each other in this and recognize that
All of our walks toward sustainability are valid and will look different from one another!
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t invest in new characters and improvements to characters you love, buy new pieces, make new props, learn and try and fail and explore - this doesn’t mean… on and on and on and on…
What it DOES mean is to exercise your creativity in imagining more effective sustainability choices where possible and to JUST TRY - realizing YOU DO make impact even in your imperfect sustainability efforts.
Just because environmental issues are much larger and system oriented than us doesn’t mean